

  • 1/2 yard solid colored fleece - this will make about 5 pairs
  • 1/4 yard fur fabric for mitten cuffs
  • Fusible Pellon
  • Felt squares - one each of red, dark brown, green and forest green
  • Embroidery thread - red, dark brown, green and forest green to match felt
  • 2 yards grosgrain ribbon
  • Large seed beads
  • 2 jingle bells
  • Small plastic ring for hanger
  • Thread
  • Craft glue


  1. Print patterns for mittens and cherries.
  2. Prepare felt by ironing fusible Pellon to one side of the felt.
  3. Cut 2 each of the mitten patterns from fleece. (I traced the patterns on the fleece with a pen, making sure to flip the pattern over for the opposite hand mitten.)
  4. Cut 2 each of the cherry patterns from felt. Again, be sure to flip over the patterns for a left-hand and right-hand design.
  5. Position and iron the cherry design to the backside of the mittens, making sure you have a left-hand and right-hand design.

figure 1


  1. Blanket stitch the felt pieces to the fleece mitten back.
  2. Stitch seed beads around the cherry design using figure 1 as a guide.
  3. With right sides together and using 1/4 inch seam allowances, sew thumb piece to palm mitten piece, from points A to B.

  4. Flip down the thumb piece and sew a seam along the inside of the palm to complete the palm of the mitten.

  5. With right sides together (1/4 seam allowances) stitch back of mitten to palm. Clip curves on thumb piece and mitten and turn right-side out.

  6. Cut 2 -  4" X 10" fur pieces. With right sides together, sew ends together to form a ring.

  7. With right sides together, position fur ring down over mitten (1/2 inch above topmost leaf in the design) matching the seam in the fur with the palm seam of mitten. Hand stitch the fur piece to mitten pulling the thread to slightly gather the fabric.

  8. Turn fur towards the top of mitten and fold over the top to the inside of the mitten. Whip stitch the fur to the body of the mitten.

  9. Cut a piece of ribbon, slip it through a small plastic ring and hand stitch the ends of the ribbon to the inside of the mittens. Position the mittens at different lengths from the ring and hand stitch or glue the ribbon to the ring to stabilize it.

  10. Glue jingle bells to the ends of another length of ribbon. Let dry.
  11. Loop ribbon to form a bow and tie the ribbon with the bells around the loops to secure them. Hand stitch or glue the finished bow to the plastic ring.